Social &
Our Group has placed a significant emphasis on promoting sustainability and social responsibility by adhering to the principles of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). By prioritizing ESG principles, we aim to drive long-term sustainable growth while positively contributing to the broader community and environment in which we operate.


Our social philosophy is strategically crafted to drive a positive impact in the communities where we operate. In line with this philosophy, we align all our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities to ensure their consistency with our overall social objectives. Through these efforts, we seek to promote sustainable development and foster mutually beneficial relationships with the communities in which we operate.
Over the years, the Group has placed significant emphasis on corporate governance practices and has implemented them across all business units. As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, our annual reports include detailed disclosure of our governance and risk management frameworks. This enables stakeholders to gain a clear, concise and balanced understanding of the Group’s impacts, thereby enhancing trust and confidence in our operations.